We  make  it simple  to  get ready  to  vote

Motivote is a gamified digital resource that uses behavioral science to help you get ready to vote and build civic habits.

In behavioral science, "friction" slows down or prevents behavior.

Voting in the US is a high-friction process.

We believe democracy works best when everyone participates. Stronger civic engagement means stronger communities.

But each year, millions of would-be voters don't cast ballots due to reasons like missed deadlines, busy schedules and confusion and procrastination. In short, being human.

Motivote helps voters overcome "friction" in the voting process with planning tools, reminders, and gamification. It's all based in behavioral research on the best ways to build habits.

We partner with college and universities, nonprofits, and brands to simplify the voting process and build cultures of participation.

Digital Tool

Motivote offers a creative approach to election readiness and civic engagement. Instead of passive content, voters engage in interactive, gamified actions — with progress-tracking, points, and prizes.

The web-based, mobile-friendly tool (nothing to download) is branded for partner organizations, who roll out Motivote to their communities.

It's 100% focused on the behavior of voting, not who you vote for.

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From Our Partners

Motivote supports dozens of colleges, brands and nonprofits nationwide. Meet some of them here →

Increase Impact, Not Staff

Our goal is to increase civic engagement. This platform helps us provide education, resources and awareness to students — without adding staff members to our area.

Center for Community Engagement Leader, Florida University

As Easy As Checking a Box

Everyone wants to be doing this, but the list is insane from an internal perspective. No one understands what really goes into it. You make it as easy as checking a box.

Government Affairs Leader, US Insurance Company

Best Semester For Engagement

We first tried this gamification model on our own without a platform. This made it easier and more professional. This has been our best semester for voter engagement.

Student Life Leader, Minnesota College


User-Friendly, Gamified Approach

Legacy resources are disjointed, dense, and hard to navigate. Motivote makes it easier for organizations to encourage and support vote-readiness.

Voters get specific, actionable steps

Instead of telling voters to "see if your state has early voting options" or "remember to register to vote," Motivote walks voters through these steps. Bite-sized actions and dynamic reminders replace generic, one-size-fits-all content.

Focused on behavior, not who you vote for

Motivote is 100% focused on the behavior of voting, not who you vote for. Our organization has no affiliations or connections with political figures, parties or organizations. 

Linear, trackable voting journey

Old-school voting resources force you to fill out redundant forms, navigate disjointed external links, and sift through dense blocks of text. Motivote brings everything into one place. It’s easy for voters to track their progress and stay on top of to-do’s.

Interactive prompts increase engagement

Research shows gamification is more effective than passive learning: When we actively engage with content, we're more likely to retain it. With options for built-in points, teams, leaderboards and rewards, Motivote makes getting ready to vote a fun team activity.

Go beyond visual branding

As a partner, you get a branded portal with your look, feel and content to elevate your role as trusted messenger. From there, add custom gamified actions to incentivize poll-working, civic eduction, volunteering opportunities and more - all in one place.

Non-voters can participate, too

When you roll out a program to your community, you want to make sure everyone can participate. Even if you're not eligible to vote in US elections yourself, you can join teams, complete alternative custom actions, and earn prizes.

We only send relevant content

Voters who use Motivote's digital tools only get communications about their personal voting plans. We don't add you to email lists asking for donations. 

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